Corporate values make attractive

| Recruiting, Employees

Companies today are in fierce competition for the best employees. To be successful, they not only need to offer an attractive salary and flexible working arrangements, but also have a strong culture and clear values that their employees share.

Values are not only an important part of employer branding, but also a key factor in employee satisfaction and motivation. Values give employees a direction and offer orientation in difficult situations. They also promote identification with the company and strengthen the sense of community.

However, clear values are not only important for the employees, but also for potential applicants. Studies show that the majority of workers are looking for an employer whose values align with their own. This match creates a sense of satisfaction and a strong bond with the company.

According to strategy expert Ulrich Hemel, it is important for companies to clearly define and communicate their values and culture. This can be done through a variety of means, such as using social media, publishing company brochures, or being in direct contact with applicants during the application process.

It is therefore crucial that companies clearly define their values and implement them consistently in their actions. A purely theoretical definition is not sufficient here; rather, the values must be visible and tangible in practice.

Matching values can also help applicants stay with the company longer. Because they feel comfortable in the company and their own values are supported by the work, they are less inclined to leave the company. However, it is important to note that this is not the only criterion for a successful application, but it can help applicants feel safe and valued, making them more motivated and engaged at work.

Companies that clearly communicate their values are attractive to employees. This not only has an effect on higher numbers of applicants, but also on higher employee motivation. It is therefore of great importance for companies to clearly define and communicate their values.

Corporate values make attractive