difficulties in recruiting

Almost half of European employers face recruitment difficulties. What are the specific challenges?

According to a study by iVox commissioned by SD Worx, 42% of European HR departments have difficulties recruiting new employees. The 4,371 companies surveyed were particularly struggling to find people with the right skills. The need for these skilled workers exceeds the supply on the labor market.

According to the survey, companies focus on the following areas in order to be more attractive to potential applicants:

  1. Working hours and flexible working arrangements Flexitime and working from home are already a requirement for many applicants. Traditional companies also have to keep up here.
  2. Security and financial stability Not only the salary should fit, but also the economic situation of the company in order to be able to guarantee secure jobs.
  3. Working atmosphere and social environment If you enjoy going to work, then you give your best. Collegial cohesion and motivated teammates are the basic requirements for this.
  4. Purpose at work What goals and visions does the company have. What contribution does the individual employee make to the big picture?
  5. Education and training Life is a constant learning process. What prospects does the company offer? What opportunities for further development are there?

Many companies are also starting to retrain existing employees for the relevant positions. The effort is much easier than finding new applicants. In addition, the existing employee already knows the company and its processes. The challenge here, however, is to teach employees the necessary skills and train them to become specialists.

difficulties in recruiting