New Work as a driving force in IT

| IT

Our way of working has changed significantly with Corona at the latest. How is "New Work" implemented in your company?

In recent years, one word has been heard more and more often in relation to the digital world of work: " New Work". New Work describes nothing other than the change from the old-fashioned nine-to-five office job to a new way of working. Working from home should be as natural as being in the office - although a hybrid solution of both is always recommended.

The employee is independent of location and ideally also time and can organize his working day freely. Communication with team members and supervisors is important here, so that the whole team is always up to date.

Some companies already practice a 30-hour or 4-day week. A current survey also shows that digitization and new work are seen as the most important driving forces.

"Which areas do you see as driving forces in the IT sector in the coming years?"

Leadership has now become a matter of trust. An employee's performance is now measured by the output of their work, no longer by their hours worked or their presence in the office. If the result is right, then the way you work is no longer important. The team member can design his environment as he likes and thus increase productivity independently. Self-determined work is the keyword.

New Work primarily attracts new and young people and makes an employer attractive. This is further reinforced by an open company culture and a common corporate goal. Generation-fair work is the motto. Anyone who cannot fill new positions must expect a shortage of skilled workers.

The same study also shows this.

"Which areas do you see as hurdles in the IT sector in the coming years?"

In order not to miss the trend, processes and procedures must be actively changed. Sustainable change management is a prerequisite here in order not to fall back into old patterns. Advance digitization and force virtual work!

New Work as a driving force in IT