It has been scientifically proven that sport makes you happy. Physical activity releases dopamine, serotonin and endorphins, even adrenaline in certain sports. You feel fitter and get a completely new body feeling. In most cases, the diet is also adjusted due to the increased exercise - you lose weight. A healthy body inspires a healthy mind.
Stress and tension relief is another great benefit of exercise. Everyday work today is particularly characterized by time pressure, appointments and deadlines. Often you can't clear your head even after work and unsolved problems are still buzzing around in your brain - you can't really switch off. Physical activity is just the right thing to get the time off you need from your job. You arrive in the here and now and forget the work that awaits you in the office.
Team sports also promote the social environment. You get out of your own four walls and meet like-minded people to do sports together. The focus here is on working together. Together you can also motivate each other if you don't feel like it. However, individual sports also have their advantages. It doesn't matter what sport you do. Whether football for team spirit, weight training for fitness or yoga for relaxation - find your passion.
As a manager, encourage your employees to take part in sports - of course, without being forced to do so. Joint events or sports units help here. The most important thing is regularity. Create one or more fixed times each week that you keep free for exercise. You will not regret it.