Too much control at work

| Leadership

What can an employee do about it?

In many companies, a certain level of control by supervisors is part of everyday work. But what happens when this control is too strong and the feeling of distrust and surveillance arises? How can an employee deal with this?

A study by the Gallup Institute shows that the majority of employees are dissatisfied when they feel that their managers are controlling them too much. This can lead to frustration and anger, and in the worst case, even cause employees to leave the company.

But what are possible reasons for too much control by superiors? Often behind this lies the need for security and control on the part of management. Some scrutiny from the boss is necessary to ensure that work is done correctly and efficiently. However, too much control can leave employees feeling restricted and patronized, which in turn affects their motivation and productivity. Especially in times of economic uncertainty or in projects with high risks, the pressure on supervisors can increase, which can be expressed in increased control of employees.

In order to deal with too much control, it is advisable to speak openly with the supervisor and discuss the situation. It may be that the boss is not even aware of the control problem and a solution can be found through the discussion. It is important to remain objective and not to make accusations.

Another option is to become active yourself and show the boss that you can take on responsibility and work independently. Doing your job well and trusting your manager can make the manager relax a bit.

Involving colleagues and team members can also help to deal with too much control. Together you can work out solutions and make suggestions on how the work can be better organized. However, the hierarchies should always be kept in mind and the superior should not be alienated.

In some cases, however, it may also be necessary to reach out to higher authorities and ask for support. However, it should be borne in mind that this can also have consequences and should therefore be carefully considered.

In summary, too much managerial control is a problem that can be solved through open communication and independent action. It is important to remain factual and always observe the hierarchies. Ultimately, the goal should always be to find a healthy balance between control and personal responsibility in order to be able to work efficiently and productively.

Too much control at work